How It Started vs How It’s Going

3 Sep 2024 | Blog, SlowWebSeptemberChallenge | 0 comments

Social media reminded me of this moment today. 7 years ago we were waiting impatiently for our little Border Collie pup (whom we named Manneke) to grow enough to come home with to us, along with this litter sister (Jerry) who moved in with my brother.

These two have brought all the joy, and at 7 years are still the very best besties.

Manneke the Border Collie and his litter sister Jerry at 4 weeks old and 7 years old.
Jerry and Manneke the Border Collies @ 4 weeks and 7 years.

This actually links to some thoughts I’m having about how my blogging practice started, and how it’s going (again). I don’t have blog posts about those special baby dog days, because I gave all that content to Facebook and Instagram. What was I thinking!?

I’ll write about blogging practice, and why I’m attempting to switch back to publishing in my own personal spaces soon.

And anyway, it was about time the Pupper made it to this blog!


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